OnDemand Video Career Coaching

Series 1 – Interviewing

Get Ready to ACE Your Next Interview!

*Access all 6 career coaching modules with your FREE account

Meet Your Executive Career Coaching Team!

Leah, Executive Career Training Facilitator

Leah conducts and facilitates all of the Dragon Careers OnDemand career coaching courses, which helps to deliver exceptional executive career training and development to clients nationwide and around the world. By delivering the Dragon Careers executive coaching courses digitally, it helps us to reach far more clients helping them to quickly and efficiently improve their career search!

Aaron Rappaport

Aaron Rappaport enjoys working with select clients interested in both transitioning into new career opportunities as well as clients interested in growth potential with their current organization. Aaron comes from a diverse career background including Fortune 1000 firms in Manufacturing, Finance, Medical Device, Industrial, and Recruiting/Staffing, and can also provide guidance and insight to aspiring entrepreneurs and small business owners. A graduate of West Chester University, Aaron has lived throughout the country including Philadelphia, PA, Detroit, MI, Rochester, NY, and West Palm Beach, FL.

Schedule a One-On-One Career Coaching Appointment With Aaron Rappaport!